Drupal vs Joomla Blog

Spence from http://spencesfarm.com is now blogging over at http://talkingmountainblog.wordpress.com/

Spence is the founder of a central farm in Chapel Hill, NC.

Sherlock Haynes, founder of the Rose Garden Forum is writing at http://reorganics.wordpress.com

Take a spin and leave a comment for your Chapel Hill, NC Bloggers.

Are you a blogger in Chapel Hill, NC leave a comment and link back to your blog.

This is a wonderful article that I think relates directly to interactive marketing, in fact it is the first step toward engaging an audieance in a conversation about your brand. CREATE QUALITY CONTENT

One of my goals is to always improve the content I am publishing, no matter what the media, if it is an image make it high quality, a video, a quote, etc.

so read on…


Does Content Equal Revenue? posted by David Finch in January 9th, 2009 in Advertising & Marketing
David Finch

Who hasn’t heard the phrase, “content is king?” For the last few years, every online publishing venue from blogs to webinars, have declared that “content is king.” It’s become the mantra for web publishers. However, while this has become the general consensus, monetizing that content has become the question for the masses of content producers.

One of the biggest questions is how has the economy affected the digital space? Depending on whom you ask or what you read determines the answer that you get. It would be great to know how content related sites are currently doing.

And that’s exactly what Pam Horan, President of OPA asked.

Improving Ad Effectiveness Online Report
Yesterday, the Online Publishing Association, an association who’s members include NPR, About.com and The Huffington Report, released it’s second wave of research within the past six months and have revealed that in spite of hard economic times, that quality content sites “defy industry trends and largely have improved their ad effectiveness over time.”

They have found that ads on these content related sites have raised awareness, message association, brand favorability as well as purchase intent more than portals and networks.

They also discovered that 18-34 year olds are more likely to respond to ads on these content sites and that when the content and ads were exposed to a more affluent audience they were more likely to:

Become aware of the advertised brand
Remember the brand’s message
Form favorable opinions about the brand, and
Have intentions to make a purchase
The report also reveals that video aids, rich media ads and interactive ads have greater impact on content producing sites.

Their summary concludes:
“For ad effectiveness, environment matters -and high quality content sites help advertisers move the needle.”

OPA Member sites’ ad effectiveness consistently outperform other sites -Including portals and ad networks, even during an economic recession
OPA sites have largely improved their ad effectiveness over time, unlike portals and ad networks
These content sites generally do a better job of integrating advertising into professional video, as well as rich media and interactive ads
Sponsorships on these content sites achieve greater lift than sponsorships on portals, where effectiveness has fallen below the industry average
If you would like to read the rest of the report, you can download the PDF. [Improving Ad Effectiveness Online]

While this report may be true for their members, like The New York Times and CBS Interactive. I’m curious to know what the metrics are for those that aren’t a part of their association.

As a content producer or an advertiser, do you find these claims to be true? How effective is advertising currently doing on your content sites? What ROI are you seeing with your advertising campaigns. Leave a comment.t

Tags: advertising, content provider, Online Publishing Association, Pam Horan : Link

I agreed to start a blog for http://spencesfarm.com

the farm is a magical place in Chapel Hill, NC where children can participate in after school and camp activities. There is horseback riding and nature walks.

the farm blog will be a great way to interact with spences farm.

i decided to use Joomla for the project, i prefer joomla to drupal, and wordpress does not have the community that supports and grows the way joomla does.

there will be great pictures of the farm, commenting, and news about chapel hill, NC.

im going to host the site for them at first, using dreamhost will keep the “green” status and reinforce their positive/progressive image.

more to come

the project is to create a freelance site like http://getacoder.com

i will have a demo up soon, but for now Im just going to post screen shots 🙂

the main functionality of the reverse auction is delivered by a perl script written by smarterscripts years ago… hahah

yes, i need something in PHP but for now the perl app will do.

im going to be wrapping the app in joomla i think,

joomla extensions will be key in the final project, but for now i need to focus on the perl app,

nail down the css

and make sure the navigation is solid.

if there is a stable reverse auction module for any good OS cms( drupal, joomla, or other) i would like to know, it would certainly save me some time.

take a look at the “make” section of athinds.com

it is a beautiful joomla based website.

the navigation was inspired by the film spirited away.
athinds.com joomla vs drupal - joomla based website
there is also an ecommerce component from joomla as well. but virtue mart was not loading to the CMS, so i used a light version.

the design of the project has taken most of the time, and you will see my preference for standard bending alignments. which although quick, the IA takes some time.

and of course im not done, if you are a drupal, joomla, or fashion designer and have any comments please do…

this blog is about drupal vs joomla. its just a conversation so please participate. 🙂

about this drupal vs joomla blog

about this drupal vs joomla blog

The Mission of this Blog is to inspire conversations related to the best open source content management systems available today.
Is your Favorite CMS Drupal? or Joomla?
Or do you blog on wordpress…
Participate in the conversation here about your Favorite CMS
Im using Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Pligg, Mambo, and Moodle.
Best – Matt
My engagement with the Drigg for Drupal Theme Development Project has ended.
Im going to collect a few notes on the Drupal Theme Development project and post here later, for now I want to discuss the future of this blog.
I have an interest in keeping a presence in the Drupal Community.
But have so much more experience with Joomla and other OS content management systems that I have to go back to school just to accomplish fundamental tasks with the Drupal CMS.
As for the Drupal Theme Blog on WordPress I am going to be posting articles on Joomla, Drupal, WordPress and other Open Source Content Management Systems.
The goal of this Blog is now to support discussion and opinion of the current CMS development strategies.
So share in the conversation by commenting and I will link back to your site and continue the conversation.
To your continued success with Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress!
This is where I started….
I am going to start by putting together some notes on creating a social voting and social bookmarking website for Drupal.
Beginning with a look at the current Drupal Social Bookmarking module Drigg, I will compare the functionality of the existing Module with sites like Digg.com and the Pligg project.
Creating a few new features is important for any new Drupal Theme to be well received by the Drupal programmers community.
Thanks to WordPress.com for maintaining a great Blogging and CMS Platform.
To your continued success as a fellow Drupal Theme Developer.

athinds.com joomla website design and photography

athinds.com joomla website design and photography

aaron hinds creates urban fashion for the residents of hells kitchen, New York. im creating a site for him using Joomla. I want to engage in discussion of Joomla vs Drupal please describe the effort needed to create a similar project in Drupal. ATHINDS.COM isnt done yet, but I will update with new images.

heres a pic after my first day as a twitt.
can anyone tell me how to get more twitter followers, isnt that what its all about?

follow me at http://twitter.com/trendsetterwebs
and while im posting i just want to say again how much I prefer Joomla to Drupal 🙂

twitter followers and direct messages

twitter followers and direct messages

My engagement with the Drigg for Drupal Theme Development Project has ended.

I going to collect a few notes on the Drupal Theme Development project and post here later, for now I want to discuss the future of this blog.

I have an interest in keeping a presence in the Drupal Community.

But have so much more experience with Joomla and other OS content management systems that I have to go back to school just to accomplish fundamental tasks with the Drupal CMS.

As for the Drupal Theme Blog on WordPress 🙂 I am going to be posting articles on Joomla, Drupal, WordPress and other Open Source Content Management Systems.

The goal of this Blog is now to support discussion and opinion of the current CMS development strategies.

So share in the conversation by commenting and I will link back to your site and continue the conversation.

To your continued success with Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress!

this is a link to The Information Architecture Institute http://www.iainstitute.org/tools/

you will find document templates, process map posters and other tools to help you in your practice. The documents have been donated by the community, by people just like you.

Many great articles on IA, not specifically Drupal Development, but some thought provoking stuff.

RSS trendsetterwebs profile

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